Monday, June 11, 2012

Tournament Re-Moved to THIS SATURDAY

Didn't realize it was Father's Day. Date Changed.

Edit: If there's grass on the field, play ball

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tournament moved to NEXT SUNDAY

I moved the tournament to next Sunday to allow for more time, because I felt like 4 days was not enough.

Good luck, have fun!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Time for a tournament, a tournament of WTF CM.

32 teams will compete, one will remain. The rules are simple: it's Captains Mode with WTF. If you feel up to the task, fill out the form at the bottom and I will pick the first 32 teams to play. You will have 4 days to make a team and sign up, and I will run the games on Sunday (this date may change, but probably not. I'll send out a message if it does).

Here are the signup rules:
-You must have 5 members
-You need to be able to play on US East, that's where the servers will be.
-You and your teammates need to have a fairly flexible schedule, just in case the tournament runs past Sunday.
-You and your teammates must be a part of this group on Steam, which I will invite you to.
-During the tournament, you must be on group chat so that I can tell you when the game is up.
-Violation of these rules will result in me picking another team.

Here's the form:

Thank you, and may the odds be ever unbalanced.

Note: I'm looking for casters. If you are a caster and would like to cast these games, email me at